Developer Tools
Git, Hosting, App Dev, Software Dev
Dev Communities
- Programming-Telegram-Group - Telegram Communities
- StackOverflow - Developer Forum
- XDA - App Development Forum
- CodeProject - Developer Forum
- Spiceworks Community - Developer Forum
- DEV Community - Developer Forum
- Blind - Developer Forum
- IndieHackers - Developer Forum
- CyberArsenal - Cybersecurity Forums
- TheSecMaster - Cybersecurity Blog
- Tech-Blogs - Blogs for Developers
- The Devs Network - Developer Chat
- DevBuddies - Search for Programming Partners
- StackShare - Tech Stack Collaboration
Dev News
- KrebsOnSecurity - Cybersecurity News
- Lobsters - Dev News / Highlighter
- TechURLs - Dev / Tech News
- DevURLs - Dev News
- Techmeme - Dev News
- The Brutalist Report - Dev News
- jimmyr - Dev News
- - Dev News
- TheCyberPost - Cybersecurity News
- Talos Blog - Cybersecurity News
- IT Security Guru - Cybersecurity News
- This Week in Rust - Rust News / Updates
- or - Dev Browser Startpages
Developer Learning
Developer Tools
- Best-Websites - Programming Resources
- Awesome Sys Admin - System Admin Resources
- Awesome Design Patterns - Design Pattern Resources
- ️ Multi-Tool Dev Sites
- ️ Data Visualization Tools
- DevDocs / or ZealDocs - Dev Documentation
- DevToys - Dev Multi-Tool App /
- Slidev - Developer Presentation Slides /
- Devhints - Developer Cheat Sheets
- Dev Emoji List - Emoji-List with Names, Shortcodes, Unicode & HTML Entities
- Student Developer Pack - Free Developer Tools for Students
- choose-a-license or ChooseALicense - How to pick a license
- PrivacyPolicyTemplate, PrivacyBoard - Generate Privacy Policies
- Eternal Terminal or NxShell - SSH Clients / Servers
- PuTTY - SSH & Telnet Client / Multi-Tab / Fork /
- Penpot - Cross Domain Design & Prototyping Platform
- - Webhook Tools
- or ImHex / Web Version / - Hex Editors
- - Package, Framework & Tool Search
- - Open Source Package Search
- Bardeen or N8N - Workflow Automation
- UI.Vision RPA - Workflow Automation Extension
- Hajimari - Kubernetes Startpage /
- discord-api-libs - Community Libraries for Discord API
- botwiki - Learn How to Make Bots
- reddit-moderator-toolbox - Toolbox for Reddit Extension Development
- devSwag - Developer Giveaways
- - Terminal Commands
- Linear, AirBroke or Glitchtip - Error Tracking Platforms
- UMLet or JDL Studio - Create UML Diagrams
- Wasmer - WebAssembly Runtime
- A-Frame - WebVR Framework /
- Mockaroo - Generate Mock Data
- Mockium - Generate Test Data
- Globster - Test Glob Patterns
- Big List of Naughty Strings - Check for Edge Case Inputs
- overmind or foreman - Process Managers
- PKL - Generate Static Configurations
- sed.js - GNU sed Live Editor
- asdf - Multi-Runtime Management CLI
- ASTExplorer - AST Viewer
- PlantText - UML Editor
- Log Parser Lizard - Log Analyzation Utilities
- Code::Stats or Wakatime - Programmer Stat Tracking
- WiredJS - Wireframe Designer
- KeyCheck - Dev Tool Hotkeys
- NBviewer - Jupyter Notebook Sharing
Software Dev Tools
- Awesome Software Quality - Software Quality Testing Resources
- Awesome DOS - DOS App Development Resources
- Every-programmer-should-know, raylib technologie or bookmarks - Software Development Tools
- Electron Tools - App Store / Debugger / Mod Loader / Builder
- new(releases) - Software Release Notifications
- Proton Native, Neutralinojs, Avalonia UI, Electron, Flet or Tauri / Resources - Desktop App Builders
- Budibase, ToolJet or Appsmith - Internal Tool Builders
- Theos - Program Build System / / Jailed Tweaks
- New Software - Project Decision Checklist
- Open Source Guides - Open Source Software Tips /
- Dokploy - App Deployment
- Gaultier Blog - Learn x86-64 Assembly
- dnSpyEx - .NET Debugger and Assembly Editor
- Crontab Guru - Crontab Editor / Job Scheduler
- Crontab Generator - Generate Crontab Syntax
- Slint - GUI Development Tools /
- Inno Setup or InstallForge - Create Installation Programs
- Etebase - Encrypted App Backend
- tl;drLegal - Software License Summaries
- minisign - Sign Files / Verify Digital Signatures /
- VirtualBuddy - Virtualize macOS 12 and later on Apple Silicon
- Pencil - Software Mockup Tool /
Mobile Dev Tools
- AndroidRepo - Android Development Resources
- Awesome iOS - iOS Development Resources
- UXArchive, Mobbin or UISources - Mobile UI Resources
- Heroku-Alt or heroku-free-alternatives - Heroku Alternatives
- ️ App Mockups
- Android Developer Roadmap
- App ideas - Collection of App Ideas
- IconKitchen or AppIcon - App Icon Generator
- namae - App Name Availability Check
- XDGuru - Adobe XD Resources
- Media Kit - Video / Audio Library for Flutter and Dart
- ADB or Appium / - Automated App Testing
- Privado - Generate App Privacy Reports /
- PM2 - Process Manager
- useAnimations - Animated Icon Pack
- Official Android Courses - Android Training Courses
- Android Libhunt - Android Packages
- Android-Iconics - Use Any Icon / Font as Your Drawable App
- AndroidAssetStudio - Android App Assets
- Contacts Android - Android Contacts APIs
- Push Notifications API - Push Notifications API
- TV Samples - Android TV App Samples
- iOS Icon Gallery - iOS Icon Examples
- PrivacyFlash-Pro - Generate iOS Privacy Policies
Database Tools
- DB Engines or DBDB - Database Rankings
- Awesome Opensource Data Engineering - Data Engineering Tools
- Awesome Big Data - Big Data Resources
- DB Browser, SQLook, DuckDB, SQL Lite Studio or HeidiSQL - SQL Managers
- Sqlable - SQL Tools
- Grafana or Beszel - Dev Data Dashboards
- DBeaver - Universal Database Tool
- ChartDB - Database Visualization /
- Ingestr - Transfer Data between Databases
- NocoDB - Turn Database into Smart Spreadsheet /
- Generate Fake Data - Ruby / Swift
- Qdrant - Vector Database
- SQL Cheat Sheet - SQL Cheat Sheet
- Gel - SQL Alternative
- QueryStorm - SQL and .NET programming in Excel
- SQLizer - Convert Files To SQL Databases
- franchise - SQL Notebook
Git Tools
- Console - Search Projects on
- Awesome README - GitHub Readme Resources
- Forge Comparison, Forgejo or - Git Collab Tool Comparison
- ️ Git Project Indexes
- Git-Fork, GitButler or GitQlient - Git Desktop Clients
- Codeberg, Drift, Gitea, or sourcehut - GitHub Alternatives
- searchcode or PublicWWW - Source Code Search
- git-sim - Visually Simulate Git Operations Before Running
-, Savannah, FSFE,, GitGud or Notabug - Git Hosting / Software Forge
- Forgejo or Gogs - Self-Hosted Git Services / Forge
- posh-git - Git Powershell Environment
- up-for-grabs - Curated List of Tasks for New Contributes
- GitKraken, RelaGit, Sourcetree, lazygit or gitui - Git GUIs
- Gut, Jujutsu, GitHub Cli or gitu - Git CLI / TUI
- git-pr - Git Collab Tools
- Git-notify - Embed Announcements into Git Commit Messages
- Allstar - Git Repository Security App
- git-bug - Git Embedded Bug Tracker
- Plane / , Git Extensions or Thermal - Git Project / Repo Managers
- git-annex - Manage Large Git Files (without Git)
- GitList - Elegant Git Repository Viewer /
- Gittyup - Git Source Code History /
- Gource - Git Project Visualizer
- multi-gitter - Bulk Repository Updater
- Delta or Git-Split-Diffs - Syntax Highlighting / Comparison
- Onefetch - Command-line Git information tool /
- commitlint - Lint Commit Messages /
- Git Cliff - Changelog Generator
- github-readme-terminal - Terminal Style Readme
- GIT Quick Stats - View Git Statistics /
- - Gitignore Templates /
GitHub Tools
- Awesome GitHub - GitHub Resources
- OSS Insight - GitHub Project Index
- Awesome First PR Opportunities - Beginner FOSS Project Index
- Awesome Actions - GitHub Action Resources
- Awesome Browser Extensions - GitHub Browser Extensions
- Awesome Badges - GitHub Badge Resources
- GitHub-Userscripts - GitHub Userscripts
- GitHub Desktop / Linux - GitHub Desktop Client
- GitHub.Dev - GitHub Web Apps
- Gothub - GitHub Frontend
- GitHub Cheat Sheet - GitHub Cheat Sheet
- GitHubStatus - GitHub Outage Status
- Languish - GitHub Programming Language Stats
- Langits - View Your Most Used Languages on GitHub
- refined-github or Ungit - Improved GitHub Interface
- GitHub Dorks - GitHub Search Tool
- Imgbot - GitHub Image Compression
- ActionServerless - Create Serverless Service
- Rahularity - Use Multiple Git Accounts at Once
- dotfiles - GitHub Dotfiles
- GitHub Web IDE - Web IDE /
- Octobox, Gitify, advanced-github-notifier, PR Monitor, Gitification or CatLight - GitHub Notifications
- github1s - GitHub Code Viewer / GUI: do
in Repo Folder - Pages CMS - Content Managment System /
- KeyManager - GitHub SSH / GPG Key Manager
- Serctl - Backup GitHub Projects
- Pew Pew - Cleanup Unused Repos
- No Secrets - Cleanup Sensitive Files in Repos
- DownGit, GitHub2File, Gitzip or Download Directory - Download GitHub Repo Sub-Folders / Files
- Install from GitHub or Eget - Install Packages / Binaries Directly from GitHub
- useful-forks or GitPop3 - GitHub Fork Search
- Active-Forks - Find Active GitHub Forks /
- Graphite or Stacking - Improve Pull Request Workflow
- PR-Agent - Automated Pull Requests
- SemanticDiff - Review Pull Requests using Language Aware Diff
- StarGrab - Mirror GitHub Repositories
- Repo2Txt - Convert Repos to Text Formatted Files
- Gitingest or Repomix / - Convert Repos to Prompt-Friendly Text
- OctoLinker - Make GitHub Code References Clickable
- Octotree - GitHub Repo File Tree View
- - GitHub Sharable Nightly Links
- ActionFlow - Action Workflow Automation
- shot-scraper-template - Take Automated Screenshots of Web Pages
- Star History - Repository Star History Graph
- Gitstar Ranking - Git Repo Star Rankings
- GithubReleasesBot - Repository Change Feeds
- GitHub Markdown Preview - Preview GH Markdown
- ReadmeGallery - GitHub Readme Gallery Creator
- GitHub Readme Stats - Dynamically Generated GitHub Readme Stats
- GitHub Contribution Graph - Add GitHub ReadMe Contribution / Commit Graph
- GitHub Readme Quotes - GitHub Readme Quote Generator /
- - Metadata Badges for GitHub Readme
- SkillIcons, Badgers, SpaceBadgers or SimpleBadges / - Skill Badges for GitHub Readme / Resumes
- For the Badge - Custom GitHub Badges
- GitHub Spray - Draw on GitHub Contribution Page
- GitHub Snake - Enable Snake Game on GitHub Readme
- GitHub Profile Readme Generator or GPRM - Generate Git Profile Readme
- GitStalk - GitHub Profile Info Search
- - Create GitHub Profile
- Beautify GitHub Profile - Custom GitHub Profile Resources
- Discord MD Badge - Add Discord Badge to GitHub
- github-material-icons-extension - Material Icons
- - Git Blog Platform
Docker Tools
- Awesome Docker - Docker Services Index
- Selfhosted-Apps-Docker - Self-hosted Docker Apps / Guides
- Docker - Build, Manage and Run Apps in Containers
- portainer, yacht, DockGE, moncho or podman / 2 - Container Managers
- Composerize, 2 - Compose Docker Files
- Hub Docker, 2, 3 - Docker Images
- Docker Desktop - Docker Desktop App
- LazyDocker, oxker or Isaiah - Docker Managers / TUIs
- Dockerized - Docker Command-Line
- Docker Disk Space - Disk Usage Manager
- Dockle - Image Linter
- Dive - Analyze Images
- WatchTower - Container Automation
- autoportforward - Port Forwarding
- Dozzle - Log Viewer
- Docker AutoHeal - Container Monitor
- Diun - Docker Notifications
- Podman Compose / Playground - Podman Compose
- Termible - Docker Powered Site Terminals
CLI Tools
- ️ CLI Cheat Sheets
- Awesome CLI - CLI Interface for Searching Awesome Lists
- Charm - Add Backend to Terminal Based Apps
- OhMyPosh - Terminal Theme Engines
- Lip Gloss - Style Definitions for Terminal Layouts
- sshx - Share Terminal Screen /
- cURL - Transfer Data with URLs / Converter / IP Lookup
- ripgrep or Sift - grep Alternatives
- Edbrowse - Command Line Editor / Browser / Mail Client
- Command Not Found - Install Missing Commands
- Atuin - Sync, search and backup shell history
- pueue - Shell Command Manager
- Zoxide - Improved CD Command
- yoctocolors - Command Line Coloring Package
- open - Open URLs, Files, Executables in CLI or Scripts
- VisiData - Spreadsheet CLI Editor
API Tools
- Public APIs, API List, Public APIs, APIsList, APIs Guru, FreePublicAPIs, Public API Lists, APIVault or Any API - API Indexes
- Awesome API Security or APIKit - API Security Resources
- Streaming Site APIs
- List of Providers - Piracy Site APIs
- Free AI Stuff / 2, Respy, FreeAPIProviders or API Together - LLM / AI API Indexes
- Countless - AI API Price Comparisons
- hoppscotch, Firecamp, Strapi or Postman - API Builders
- Shizuku or Dhizuku - Let Apps Use System API (Android)
- Wyzie Subs - Subtitle Scraping API / NPM Package / Docs
- HTTPie - Test REST, GraphQL, and HTTP APIs
- Rest Test Test - Test REST / CORS Services
- Beeceptor - Mock REST APIs
- Pipedream - Connect APIs / Tutorial
- FastAPI - API Framework
- Insomnia or Yaak - API Clients
- Bruno - API Testing Client
- ReDoc - Generate API Documentation
- Mockable, {JSON} Placeholder, jsoning, Mocky or MockLab - Mock APIs
- Mockae - Mock APIs with Lua Execution
- InstantAPIs - API Endpoint Generator
- Stein - Turn Google Sheets into Database API
- Lanyard - Export Discord Rich Presence to API Endpoint / Websocket /
- Telegram Bot API / or PHP Telegram Bot - Telegram Bot API
- cf-workers-telegram-bot - Serverless Telegram Bot /
- Perspective API - Toxicity Reduction API
- Plaid - Financial Account API /
- PDF Bot - A Node queue API for generating PDFs
Machine Learning
- Awesome Machine Learning - Machine Learning Framework Index
- Awesome ML or ML Resources - Machine Learning Resources
- Hugging Face, LLM Papers or OpenML - Machine Learning Datasets / Papers
- Deep playground - Neural Networks Playground
- LLM Visualization - Learn how LLMs Work
- Awesome Generative AI Guide - LLM Research Resources
- Machine Learning Roadmap, SAAYN, machine-learning-zoomcamp, ML Engineering or LLM Course - Learn Machine Learning
- LLM Text Complation - LLM Finetuning / Text Complation
- DeepSpeed - Deep Learning Optimization Library
- Netron - Visualizer for Neural Network, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning Models
- MMDeploy - Deep Learning Model Deployment Toolset /
- ChatGPT-Next-Web - Cross-Platform ChatGPT / Gemini UI
- Code2Prompt - Convert Codebase to LLM Prompt
- Nixified - Nix Flake for AI Projects
- Cyberbotics - Robot Simulator
Game Dev Tools
- List of Game Engines, Awesome Game Engine or Game-Engines - Game Engine Development Resources
- EnginesDatabase - Game Engines Database
- Awesome Game Dev or /AGDG/ Resources - Game Dev Resources
- Awesome Game Production - Game Production Resources
- ️ Learn Game Development
- ️ Sound Effect Sites
- HiddenPalace - Game Development Media Archive
- Tommti Systems - 3D Benchmark Tools
- Tracy Profiler - Frame Profiler
- Doshaven Programming List - DOS Game Creator Tools
- Fantasy Consoles / Computers - List of Fantasy Consoles and Computers
- Xelu's Controller Prompts - Free Game Prompts / Video
- Basic Computer Games - Basic Computer Game Examples
Asset Creation
- ️ Download Game Assets
- ️ 3D Models / Modeling Tools
- ️ Design Tools / Resources
- ️ Art Resources
- ️ Writing Tools
- Nuklear - Game GUI Creator
- HUDSxGUIS - UI Design Concepts
- SPARTAN Procedural - Procedural Tile Generator
- Game Sounds - Royalty Free Game Sounds
- Bleeper or jfxr - Game Sound Effects Creators
- Engine Simulator - Engine Sound Simulator /
- The Sounds Resource - Game Sounds Examples
- EZ Conversion - Game Audio Converter
Map Creators / Editors
- SpriteFusion - Tilemap Editor /
- MapEditor or Tilesetter - Level Editors
- LDtk or Ogmo Editor - 2D Level Editors
- CharPad - Commodore 64 Graphics Editor
- Fantasy Map Generator - Fantasy Map Generator
- Inkarnate - Fantasy Map Editor
- HexHTML - Hexagon Fantasy Map Editor
- ProFantasy - Fantasy Map Tutorials
- Medieval Fantasy City Generator - Medieval Fantasy City Generator
- donjon - RPG Resources / Tools
- RPG Map II - RPG Map Editor
- MapTool - Virtual Tabletop for RPG Games
- Inkwell Ideas - Free Map Tools
- Neighbourhood - Neighborhood Map Generator
- Laigter - Map Generator for 2D Sprites
- Dungeon Scrawl - Dungeon Mapmaking Tool / / /
- Dungeon Map Doodler - Draw Dungeon & Terrain Maps
- One Page Dungeon - Single-page Dungeon Map Generator
IDEs / Code Editors
- ️ Text Editors / Notes
- VSCodium or Visual Studio Code, 2, 3 - Code Editor / Extensions
- JetBrains / Unlock / License Server
- Neovim - Code Editor
- Lite XL or Pragtical - Code Editor / Plugin Manager / Plugins / Themes
- Emacs - Code Editor / Docs / Resources
- WebDen, Sharplab, or CodingGround - Code Playgrounds
- Android Studio / Guide, SupaBase or Plasmic - App Creators / Builders
- Heynote - Code Editor / Notepad
- Edna - Web App / Code Editor / Notepad
- Trinket - Web App / Live Preview / Sign-up / Online Workspace
- IDX - Gemini AI Cloud Webapp
- Helix - Kakuone / Neovim-Based Code Editor
- HaystackEditor - Canvas-Based Code Editor
- Brackets - Webapp / Live Preview
- Bluefish - Code Editor / Templates
- CudaText - Code Editor
- Lapce - Code Editor
- ecode - Code Editor
- Competitive Editor - Competitive Programming Editor
- Apache NetBeans, KDevelop, Mitosis, Lazarus or OpenShift - Cross Platform IDEs
- TidalCycles - Live Algorithmic Coding Environment /
- SciTE - Source Code Editor for Win32 and X
Cloud IDEs / Collab
- cloud - Cloud Platform Index
- ️ Code Collaboration Platforms
- goormIDE - Cloud IDE
- Google Colaboratory - Cloud IDE
- CodeSandbox, StackBlitz or GitPod - VSCode Cloud IDE
- judge0 - Online Code Editor /
- Fleet - Cloud IDE
- CodeTasty - Cloud IDE
- Atheos - Server Required / Cloud IDE /
- Datalore - Cloud IDE
- JSFiddle - Cloud IDE
- html-css-js - Cloud IDE
- Collabedit - Cloud IDE
- CoderPad - Cloud IDE
- zed - Cloud IDE
- Ideone - Cloud IDE
- PlayCode - Cloud IDE
- Openshift - Cloud IDE / Eclipse Che
- Arduino - Cloud IDE for Arduino
- Shell Cloud - Google Cloud Shell Environment
- Blazepack, Flox or DevPod - Development Environments
- bloop - IDE AI Suggestion Extension
- - Pastebin with Runnable Snippets, API & Compiler
- - Access Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code
- Jupyter Server - Jupyter Services / APIs
- Anywidget - Create Jupyter Widgets /
- CoCalc - Virtual online workspace
- CodePen, Web Maker or Liveweave - Code Sandbox
- or Enact - App Frameworks
- InstantDB - Collaborative App Framework
- Codeface, Monaspace, Programming Fonts or Dev Fonts - Fonts for Coding / Comparison
Android Code Editors
- Acode - Android Code Editor /
- Sora - Android Code Editor
- Squircle-CE - Android Code Editor
- Visual Code Space - Android Code Editor
- Spck Editor - Android Code Editor
- droidvim - Vim Code Editor
- VHEditor - VSCode Editor
- diohub, PuppyGit or OctoDroid - Android Git Clients
- GitSync - Android Git Remote Repo Sync
- Gidget - GitHub Notifications / Android
- FlutterMarkdownEditor - Markdown Editor
Coding Tools
- Awesome Creative Coding - Creative Coding Resources
- Prettier or codebeautify - Code Formatting Tools
- editorcornfig - Maintain Code Styles Across Editors
- ThemesElection or Dracula - Code Editor Themes
- Freeze - Generate Images of Code / Terminal Output
- myCompiler, Compiler Explorer, OneCompiler, GodBolt, ryugod or Wandbox - Online Compilers / Explorers
- DogBolt - Decompiler Explorers / [GitHub]](
- Code2Flow or Flowchart.js - Code to Flowchart Converter
- tuc - Improved Code Cut
- massCode - Code Snippet Manager
- Meld / 2, Beyond Compare / Pro or WinMerge - File / Directory Comparison Tools
- 0xacab - Code Host
- OctoLinker - Turn Code Statements into Links /
- RTutor - Translate Natural Language to R code / No Signup
- BrickHub - Share Code Brick Templates
- Sourcegraph or SeaGOAT - Code Searching
- Sourcecodester, Code Projects, Codastro, Kashipara or ItSourceCode - Source Code Projects
- ShortCode or CodeList - Script / Code Indexes
- Chalk, Carbon, Ray or Show Code - Code Screenshots
- AnimateCode - Create Code Animations
- DelphiTools - Code Profiler / Delphi Tools
- Adrenaline or Console Ninja - Code Debugging
- JBin or Replay - Collaborative Code Debugging
- Winddown or Sandman - Coding Break Reminders
- Decompiler - Online Decompiler
Vim / Neovim Tools
- Awesome Neovim or NeoVimCraft - NeoVim Plugins Collections
- Vim Bootstrap - Bootstrap Config for Vim
- NvChad, SpaceVim, NeoVim Kickstart, AstroNvim, LazyVim or LunarVim - Neovim Configs
- DotFyle - Neovim Config Search
- Lazy.nvim or packer.nvim - Neovim Plugin Managers
- FireNVim - Neovim in Browser
- neovide, gnvim, nvui, Neovim wiki##gui - Neovim GUIs
- instant.nvim - Collaborative Neovim Editing
- chatgpt.nvim - ChatGPT in Neovim
- Vim Plug, vim-pathogen / or Shougo - Vim Plugin Managers
- VimAwesome - Vim Plugins
- nerdtree - Vim Tree Explorer
- VimColorSchemes - Vim Color Schemes
- The Ultimate vimrc - Vim Config
- Vim Markdown or Markdown Preview - Vim Markdown Plugins
VSCode Tools
- Awesome VSC Extensions, 2 - VSCode Extensions
- github-vscode-icons - VSCode Icons
- chatgpt-vscode - VSCode ChatGPT
- Open VSX - Open VSX Registry
- snippet-generator - Snippet Generator
- Dendron - Knowledge Managment
- Discord Tools
- vscode-smart-clicks - Smart Clicks
- code-server - Web Server /
- vscode-settings - VSCode Settings
- insiders.vscode - Insider Build
- VSCodeThemes or VSColors - VSCode Themes
- oslo - Theme Generator
Coding AIs
Programming Languages
- Awesome Cheatsheets,, HowDoI, OverApi, Reference / or Cheat Sheets - Programming Cheat Sheets
- Awesome Go or Go Recipes - Go Resources
- TheAlgorithms - Coding Algorithms
- ️ Learn Programming
- Benchmarks Game - Measure PL Speeds
- Language Benchmarks - Benchmarks for PLs & Compilers
- 30 Seconds of Code or FreeFrontend - Find Code Snippets
- - Generate Test Data in Different Languages
- Try It Online - Programming Language Interpreters
- nunu - Build Go Programs
- Learn X in Y minutes - Programming Language Rundowns /
- OneLang - Convert Code to Multiple Languages
- Crystalline - Crystal Language Server
- icr - REPL for Crystal
- - Rust Syntax Explanation
- Awesome Python - Python Resources
- Automate The Boring Stuff - Python Automation Book
- Python Cheatsheet or SpeedSheet - Python Cheat Sheets
- Python Patterns - Python Design Patterns
- Clean Code Python - Clean Up Python Code
- RustPython - Python Interpreter
- uv - Python Package / Project Manager
- Thonny - Python IDE
- pylyzer - Static Code Analyzer
- Online Python Compiler - Online Python Editor & Tester
- ClipRun - Run Python Code in Browser / Chrome Extension
C Languages
- Awesome C++ - C++ Resources
- RoslynPad - C# Editor
- RoslynQuoter - C# Syntax Tree API Viewer
- The Algorithms - C++ - C++ Algorithms
- - Online C++ Compiler
- CP-Algorithms - C++ Algorithms
- cppreference - C++ Cheat Sheets
Java / Kotlin
- Awesome Kotlin - Kotlin Resources /
- Obfuscator List - Java Obfuscator Index
- Recaf - Java Bytecode Editor
- bytecode-viewer, jd-gui, Krakatau, Luyten, Vineflower or Fernflower - Java Decompilers
- JEnv For Windows - Change Java Version
- jadx - Dex to Java Decompiler
- GraalVM - Advanced Multi-language JVM
- Adoptium - Download OpenJDK Binaries
Web Development
- Awesome HTML5 - HTML5 Resources
- HTML Reference, HTML Cheat Sheet or - HTML Guides / Cheat Sheets
- HTML-Minifier - HTML Minifier
- HTMLRev - Free HTML Templates
- Markdown to HTML - Markdown to HTML Converter
- APlayer, DPlayer or xgplayer - HTML5 Video Players
- Awesome CSS - CSS Resources
- ️ CSS Framework Tools
- You Don't Need JavaScript - CSS Demos
- CSS Cheat Sheet or CSS Tricks - CSS Cheat Sheets
- Easings - CSS Animation Cheat Sheet
- CSSLayout or CSS Layout Generator - CSS Layout / Grid Generators
- CSSPeeper - Smart CSS Viewer
- Project Wallace - CSS Analyzer
- CSS Protips, Modern CSS or CSS Reference - CSS Guides
- Water.css - CSS Styles
- Style Stage - Modern CSS Styles
- Glass UI - Glassmorphism CSS Generator
- Hover.CSS - CSS Hover Effects
- PixelArtCSS - Pixel Art to CSS
- - Copy CSS Buttons
- CSS Doodle - CSS Pattern Generator
- CSS3 Transform - 2D & 3D CSS Transform Functions Visualizer
- css3patterns, gradienta, GradientMagic or heropatterns - CSS Patterns / Gradients
- FilterBlend - CSS Blend Modes
- Animista - CSS Animations
- Awesome JavaScript - JavaScript Resources
- ️ TypeScript Tools
- Vanilla List - Vanilla JavaScript Repository
- RunKit - Browser JavaScript Sandbox
- Component Party - Web Component JS Frameworks Overview /
- jsdfe, de4js, Deobfuscator, WebCrack, Deobfuscate or - JavaScript Deobfuscators
- Minify JS or JS Compressor - JavaScript Minifiers
- 1loc or Underdash - JavaScript Snippets
- Node.js Best Practices - Node.js Style Guide
- Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide or StandardJS - JavaScript Style Guides
- Discord.js Guide or An Idiot's Guide - Discord.js Bot Guides
- React - JS Library
- OpenChakra or Plate - React Code Editors
- React Suite / , 21st / or Radix UI / - React Components
- Mantine - Components and Templates /
- Bulletproof React - React App Architecture
- React Native Apps - React App Examples
- Refine or GitWit - React App Builders
- Alright - Generate React Apps
- Codux - Visual IDE for React
- React SVG - Convert SVG to React Components
- Zorm - Type-Safe Form for React
- Million - React Replacement
- novu - Real-Time React Notifications /
- React Use or UseHooks - React Hooks
- React Query - Fetch, Cache and Update React Data /
- MMKV - React Key / Value Storage
- Vision Camera - React Camera Support /
- React PDF - Create PDFs in React
- react-spring - React Spring Animations
- Create React App - Set Up React Web Apps /
- Codebases - Collection of Projects Written in React
- Awesome PHP - PHP Resources
- XAMPP - PHP Development Environment
- Clean Code PHP - Clean Code for PHP
- Valinor / - PHP Object Mapper
- Spatie / or 3v4l - Run PHP Concurrently
Web Dev Tools
- Website Creation Resources - Web Dev Resources
- Awesome Static Generators - Static Site Resources /
- Awesome Tunneling - Tunneling Resources
- Awesome list of secrets in environment variables - Environment Variables Secrets
- Frontend Developers or Web Dev / Programming YouTube Channels - Web Dev YouTube Channel Indexes
- ️ Website Creators
- ️ Site Mockups
- ️ Archive / Scrape / Crawl Web Pages
- or Wappalyzer - Identify Technologies on Websites / Addons
- GoAccess - Web Log Analyzer /
- Formulaer, Tally, FormBricks, Formshare, Deformity or Stylr - Form Builders
- DataNodes - Webmasters Only File Host /
- Website Planet Tools, Browserling Tools or WebCode - Site Development Tools
- shadcn-ui or shadcn-svelte - Web Component Libraries
- Web Developer - Web Developer Toolbar Extension
- GoatCounter or Umami - Site Analytics
- ElasticSearch - Search & Analytics Engine /
- Tabler - Site Admin Dashboard
- Octopus - Site Planning Tool
- WireFlow - Flow Prototype Maker
- Web Dev Checklist - Things to Remember for Web Devs
- Dagu - WebUI Job Manager /
- QuickEmailVerification, Email Marker or ZeroBounce - Email Validation Services
- Plow - HTTP Benchmarking
- http-server - No Config HTTP Server
- Apache - HTTP Server
- Observatory - HTTP Header Security Test
- HITS - Website Traffic Badges
- Transform - Polyglot Web Converter
- ProjectVisBug - Webpage Editor
- BuiltWith - Find Out What Sites are Built With
- LibreCaptcha or mCaptcha - Privacy-Based Captcha Systems
- Media Chrome - Media Player Elements /
- OneLinePlayer - Vimeo / Dropbox Video Player
- Motion - Animation Library
- LDRS - Loading Animations
- Medusa - Digital Commerce Development Tool
- Can I Use? - Browser Support Tables
- Shuttle / or PocketBase / - Open-Source Backend Platforms
- Cloudflare Radar - Cloudflare Insights
- Check for Cloudflare - Check Sites for Cloudflare
- Caddy - Web Server
- BawkBox - Website Widgets
- The SSO Wall of Shame - Vendors without Built-in SSO
- Remarkbox or HTML Comment Box - Site Comment Systems
- Typebot - Embedded Chat App
- Microlink SDK / , React Tiny Link / or Link Preview JS - Create Link Previews
- CORS Proxy - Free CORS Proxy
- frp, GoDoxy or YARP - Reverse Proxies
- WhatPWACanDo - PWA Examples
- Anvil, Lowdefy or Capacitor - Web App Creators
- FastUI - Web App UI Creators
- Selenium, CopyCat, PlayWright or Huginn - Browser Automation
- Automa or Browserflow - Browser Automation Extensions
- PWABuilder - Turn Site into Progressive Web App
- Chaos Frontend Toolkit - Break Your Web Apps to Improve Them
- LocalHost - Connect Web Apps to Internet
- Shiki, tailspin or Sight - Syntax Highlighters
- ngrok - Introspectable Tunnels to Localhost Tools
- Bore - TCP Tunnel to Expose Servers Local Ports
- NConfig - Server Config
- Nginx-Admins-Handbook - Improve NGINX Performance
- Null PHP Script - Nulled Scripts
Color Schemes
- Colorful - Color Scheme Resources
- ️ Color Palette Generators
- ️ Color Pickers
- ColorHexa - Color Hex Encyclopedia
- Realtime Colors - Preview Color Palettes
- Color & Contrast - Color / Contrast Guide
- Colors & Fonts - Quickly Copy Colors
- Paletton - Color Scheme Designer
- Palettte - Color Palette Editor
- Colouris - Color Model Conversions
- PaletteGenerator or Alwane - Color Palette Extractor
- Colorable / ,, accessible-color-matrix or Accessible Brand Colors - Accessible Color Pallette Builders
- Color Oracle, WhoCanUse or Toptal - Color Blindness Simulator / Tests
- Simpler Color - Create Web Color System
- Stylify Me - Extract Webpage Colors
- ColorZilla - Color Picker, Gradient Generator & more
- uiGradients - Hex Gradients
- MakeTintAndShade - Tint and Shade Generator
- Alphredo - Create Translucent Colors
- Contrast Checker or Colour Contrast - Background / Text Contrast Checkers
Frontend Tools
- Awesome Design Systems - UI Design Systems / Libraries
- Awesome Web Animation - Web Animation Resources
- ️ Design Resources or Open Source Design
- ️ Website Templates
- Design Checklist, Performance Checklist or Front-End Checklist - Frontend Development Checklist
- Aspect or OpenUI - Make UI with AI
- Contentdrips or CreatorKit - Brand Design Tools
- SuperNova - Design System Manager
- Interplay - Product Design Tool
- CollectUI, Hoverstat, httpster, Wave Guide, Godly Website, ReallyGoodUX or Pageflows - UI / Site Design Ideas
- StoryBook, Akira or Mockend - UI Development Tools
- UI Design Daily or UIVerse - Free UI Design Resources
- Open UI - Open Standard UI
- - Copy Sites User-Interface Code
- CodeMyUI or Semantic UI - User Interface Code Snippets
- Icon Shelf - Icon Manager
- Favicon Maker or Favicon Generator - Create Favicons
- Icon Horse, favicon-hash or Favicone - Download a Sites Favicon / Note
- Meta-Mapper - Website Metadata Thumbnails
- SREWorks - Operation & Maintenance Platform
- the component gallery - Design Components Gallery
- - Design Custom Scrollbars
- LogoTaco - Project Logos
- Emanote - Create Sites from Plain-Text Notes /
- Plunker or Bloo - Prototype / Test Websites Idea
- WebDesignMuseum - Website Designs Over Time
- Bootstrap - Mobile Site Creator / Icons / Snippets / UI Components / Templates, 2
- PsdRepo - Templates, Mockups, Logos, Videos
- Daft Page - Landing Page Creator
- LandingPage - Landing Page Tool Index
- SaaS Pages, SaaS Landing Page or lapa - Landing Page Templates / Ideas
- Zeplin - Design Templates / Editor
- vite or layoutit - Frontend Development Tools
- Frontend Development - Frontend Development Resources
- BoxCoding, UI Beats or MagicUI - UI Components
- Hydrogen - Online Store Templates
- RoughAnnotations - Webpage Annotations / Animations
-, dummyimage, Placeholdifier, PlaceHolder, PicSum or FakeIMG - Site Placeholder Images
- Visiwig - Copy / Paste Site Graphics
- WebDesigner, T3, Theatre.js / , GSAP, Stylie, RenderForest, Mantra or Lottielab - Create Motion Graphics
- useAnimations or LordIcon - Animated Icons
- Cursor Effects - 90s Style Cursors
- NakerApp - Interactive Background Maker
- Error404 - Free 404 Pages
- HTTP Cats - Put Cat Pictures in Your Status Codes
Hosting Tools
- Awesome Cloudflare - Cloudflare Resources
- VPS Comparison Chart or Bitcoin VPS - VPS Comparisons
- ️ Free Webhosting Sites
- ️ Domain Tools
- Check-Host, StatPing, Uptime, server-uptime, Uptime Kuma, Highlight, AreWeDown?, UptimeRobot or 24x7 - Site / Server Uptime Monitors
- TLD-List, TLDES or SitePriace - Domain Price Comparisons
- GoodBadISPs - Best ISPs for Tor Hosting
- Server Hunter - Search / Compare Servers
- srvrlss - Search / Compare Serverless Platforms
- Host-Tracker or OONI - Check Site Location Availability / Bypass Paywall
- Sentora or Moonlight - Web Hosting Panels
- GetDeploying - Compare Cloud Providers
- Meta Tag Gen, OpenGraph or MetaTags - Meta Tag Generators
- DNForum - Domain Name Forum
- HaveIBeenSquatted - Typosquatting Discovery Tool
- iana, arin, lacnic, afrinic or apnic - Internet Registry Sites
- takingnames, GetFreeDomain or / 2 - Free Subdomains
- TheDev - Free Developer Subdomains
- or JS.ORG - Developer Homepages
- Homepage / , CasaOS / , Flame, Homer or Dashy / - Home Server Startpages
- - URL Forwarding
- Kener or cstate - Self-Hosted Status Pages
- Oracle VPS - VPS
- Sandstorm, Cosmos or CloudRon - Web App Hosts
- vichan / or overscript - Imageboard Hosting
- ProBoards - Forum & Imageboard Hosting
- MyBB, FreeFlarum or PHPBB - Forum Hosting
- WikiDocs / , Media Wiki, xWiki, DokuWiki, Miraheze, wikmd or Fandom - Host Free Wiki
- HumHub, HubZilla or scuttlebutt - Self-Hosted Social Network
- UNIT3D Community Edition - Private Tracker Hosting
WordPress Tools
- ️ Wordpress Themes
- Visual CSS Editor - WordPress Site Designer
- LocalWP - WordPress Site Deployment Tools
- faustjs - WordPress Framework
- Timber - WordPress Theme Creator /
- KokoAnalytics - WordPress Analytics
- UUID Tools - UUID Generator
Regex Tools
You can use AI chatbots like ChatGPT to create complex regex patterns more easily.
- Awesome Regex - Regex Resources
- Regex Vis, Regulex, Regexper - Regex Visualizer
- RegexLearn, or learn-regex - Learn Regex
- RegExr, Rubular or Regex101 - Regex Editors
- grex or Regex Generator - Regex Generators
- RegexOne - Regex Practice
- iHateRegex - Regex Patterns
- Melody - Compile to Regex /
- PyRegex - Python Regex Playground
Benchmark Tools
- Awesome Accessibility - Accessibility Tools Index
- LightTest, Yellow Lab Tools, PageSpeed, SpeedVitals, Geofetcher, GTmetrix or Websu - Test Webpage Speed
- Geekflare Tools or Frontend Dogma - Site Benchmarking Tools
- LambDatest - Cross Browser Testing Cloud
- Accessibility Guide, Pa11y, Wave, Andi or A11ygator - Accessibility Evaluation Tools
- Accessibility Insights - Fix Accessibility Issues
- Accessibility Cheatsheet or A11Project - Site Accessibility Guidelines
- Web Vitals Leaderboard, CodSpeed or Lighthouse Metrics - Website Performance Tests
- Prometheus - Site Metrics / Setup
- Carbon Calculator - Estimate Sites Carbon Footprint
- UX Check - Site Heuristic Evaluation
- Testmail - Site Signup Test
- Responsive Viewer - Test Site on Multiple Screen Types / Chrome
- Responsively, ResponsiveTestTool, Responsivize or Am I Responsive - Website Responsiveness Tests
- LightHouse - Web App Performance Test
SVG Tools
- ️ SVG / Vector Images
- Method,, Boxy SVG, Mossaik or SVG Viewer - SVG Editors / Viewers
- SVGFilters - SVG Filter Builder
- Crayon or SVGArtista - SVG Animation Tools
- SVGO or SVGCrop - SVG Optimization / GUI
- SVG Tutorial - Learn How to Code SVG Images
- SVGX - SVG Assets Manager
- Vector Express or Vector Magic - Vector Converters
- svgco or IMG to SVG - Image to SVG Converter
- SVG2JSX - SVG to JSX Converter
- Pattern Monster - SVG Pattern Generator
- Blobs - SVG Shape Generator
- Broider - Create Border Designs
- ShapeDivider - Make SVG Shape Divider
- SVG Path - SVG Path Visualizer
- svg-path-editor - SVG Path Editor
- Get Waves, Wavelry, SVGWave / or SVG Wave - SVG Wave Generators
- Blobmaker - SVG Blob Generator
- AutoTracer - Image Vectorizer
- JSLogo - Logo Interpreter
Cybersecurity Tools
- pyWhat - File Analyzer
- Open Source Security Software - Cybersecurity Software
- Shisho - Infrastructure Code Security Patcher
- osquery or Nmap / Results - Security Monitors
- Canarytokens - Network Breach Check
- Nuclei / , Synk or NVD - Vulnerability Tracking / Scanning
- Zeek, Kismet, ntop or Sniffnet - Network Monitors
- Crowdsec - Crowd-Sourced Intrusion Detection / Prevention /
- BBRadar or BugBountyHunting - Bug Bounty Trackers
- X-Force Exchange - Security Threat Intelligence Platform
- OpenSCA-CLI - Composition Analysis for Third Party Components
- Unblob - Extraction Suite
- Security Onion Solutions, Wazuh or Snyk / - Site Security Monitor
- - Block VPNs / Proxies
- Greenbone - Vulnerability Management
- Evervault - Security / Compliance Infrastructure
- DarkVisitors - Autonomous Chatbots / Data Scraper List
- Al-Khaser - Anti-Malware Stress Test
- CVE Details - CVE Details
- YASNAC - SafetyNet Attestation Checker
- AllSafe - Intentionally Vulnerable Android App
Cybersecurity Indexes
- Awesome Cyber Security - Cybersecurity Resources
- Awesome CI/CD Security - CI/CD Security Resources
- Awesome GPT Agents - Cybersecurity GPT Agent Index
- Advisory Database, ThreatFox, Exploit DB or Att&ck - Cybersecurity Defense Databases
- VirusShare, Bazaar, MalShare, URLhaus, PulseDive or Malpedia - Malware Search / Indexes
- ThreatMap or CyberMap - Live Malware Distribution Maps
- The Void - Software Incident Reports
- Rawsec's CyberSecurity Inventory - Cybersecurity Resources
- CybersecResources - Cybersecurity Resources /
- Awesome List - Cybersecurity Resources
- Cybersecurity-Resources - Cybersecurity Resources
- Infosec Resources - Cybersecurity Resources
- CyberSecTools - Cybersecurity Resources
- My Infosec Awesome - Infosec Resources
Pen Testing
- Awesome Pen Testing - Penetration Testing Resources
- Awesome Hacking - Pentesting / Security Index
- Metasploit / Cheatsheet - Pentesting Framework
- MobileApp-Pentest-Cheatsheet - App Pentesting Cheatsheet
- Pentest Contracts - Security Contract Templates
- OSCP-Exam-Report-Template-Markdown - Offensive Security Exam Report Markdown /
- Kali NetHunter or AndroGuard - Penetration Testing / Forensics Apps
DNS Tools
- ️ Free DNS Resolvers
- mess with dns - Experiment with DNS
- DNS over HTTPS - Encrypted DNS Providers & Resources
- DNSPerf - DNS Provider Rankings
- GRC DNSBench - DNS Benchmark
- DNS Propagation - DNS Checker
- MXToolBox - MX Record Lookup Tool
- DNSDumpster, DNS Watch, DNSHistory or WhatsMyDNS - DNS Lookup / Security
- Web Check, NSLookup or dog - DNS Information Tools
- DuckDNS, FreeDNS, dynu, NoIP, myaddr, nsupdate / or Desec - Dynamic DNS Services
Web Security
- WebAuthn - Web Authentication API - Demo
- Hydra - OAuth 2.0 Server / OpenID Connect Provider
- SuperTokens or Lucia - User Authentication
- ZAP - Web App Security Testing
- IP Intelligence, AbuseIPDB or Proxy Check - Proxy / VPN / Bad IP Detection
- Fail2Ban - Protect Servers from Brute Force Attacks
- Tempesta FW - DDoS / Web Attack Protection
- IPv6 Leak Test, Test-IPv6 or IPv6 Test - IPv6 Test
- How To Turn off IPv6 - Prevent IPv6 Leaks
Encryption / Certificates
- Awesome Cryptography - Cryptography Resources
- mitmproxy - Analyze and modify HTTPS traffic / OpenAPI Converter /
- HTTPToolkit - Intercept, Debug, and Mock HTTP(S)
- Mozilla SSL - SSL Configuration Generator
- Tailscale - Secure Network VPN
- SSLLabs - SSL Testing
- BadSSL - Test Clients Against Bad SSL Configs
- Hitch - SSL / TLS Proxy /
- Let's Encrypt or Certbot - Free TLS Certificates
- SSL for Free or ZeroSSL - Free SSL Certificates
- CertAlert - TLS/SSL Certificate Expiration Alerts
- - Auto Issues / Certificate Renewal
- mkcert - Locally Trusted Development Certificates
- SSLMate CAA - CAA Record Helper
Reverse Engineering
- Reverse Engineering Resources or ReversingBits / - Reverse Engineering Resources
- Awesome Malware Analysis - Malware Analysis Resources
- GHIDRA - Reverse Engineering
- x64dbg - Debugger for Reverse Engineering
- Radare - Free Reversing Toolkit / /
- Rizin or Cutter - Reverse Engineering Framework
- Frida - Reverse Engineering
- Flare VM - Reverse Engineering Environment Setup Script
- ROP Emporium - Learn Return-Oriented Programming
- MSTG or DVIA-v2 - App Security Testing / Reverse Engineering
- Malimite - iOS / macOS Decompiler
- - Reverse Engineer Code
- horsicq - File Type Identification Tools /
Markdown Tools
- Markdown Guide - Guide for Markdown (.md)
- - Generate Test Data in Markup Formats
- - Online Markup Editor
- Markup Validation Service - Validate Your Markup Language Structure
- YAMLine - Online YAML Tools / Converters
- yq - Portable YAML Processor /
- - Create Files
- Tableconvert - Markdown / Code Converter
- Linkspector - Check Markdown Files for Dead Links
- Table Magic - Table to Markdown Converters
- Clipboard2Markdown - Text to Markdown Converter
- gd2md-html - Convert Google Doc to Markdown
- MarkItDown or GetMarkdown - File to Markdown Converter
- Quartz, Perlite or FlowerShow - Publish Markdown
- Markdown Tutorial - Interactive Markdown Tutorial
- emoji-cheat-sheet - Emoji Markdown Cheatsheet